Celebrating Over 75 Years Supporting Athletics, Activities, Clubs and Organizations at Dubuque Senior High School
Celebrating Over 75 Years Supporting Athletics, Activities, Clubs and Organizations at Dubuque Senior High School

Our Mission

Organized in 1948, the Dubuque Senior High School Rams Booster Club objectives and goals are:

  • to give support, encouragement and assistance to the students and faculty at Dubuque Senior High School
  • to lend its assistance to the improvement and betterment of respective programs and activities (athletic and non-athletic) of Dubuque Senior High School, and
  • to provide a positive attitude and organization for the furtherance of such activities and objectives.

You can join us in our mission by:

  • Become a member of the booster club each year
  • Purchase Ram apparel and wear it proudly to support our kids, both at school activities and events, and around the community
  • Volunteer to help at athletic and non-athletic events and activities
  • Support all school activities through-out the year
  • Get involved today!

Rams Booster Club Board (2024 - 2025)

President - Austin Reed

Vice President - Chad Hamilton

Treasurer - Carrie Kremer

Secretary - Stacy Medinger

Activities Director - Brent Cook

Social Media Coordinator- Tabitha Cain

Membership- Open

Business Sponsors- Jennifer Chambers


Committee Chairs:

Apparel -  Stacy Medinger

Ramboree Fall Auction - Carrie Kremer  / Jennifer Chambers / Stacy Medinger

2024-2025 Business Sponsors

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Join your friends and neighbors in the Rams Booster Club today!